Thursday, June 12, 2008

I resign

Ok, so I am officially considering possibly resigning my commission as a user of the some point.

Heres the thing. I LOVE debate. I like to talk to smart people who disagree with me. It is just a little part of me that I happen to enjoy, and while it may annoy some people, I think most can roll with it and either feed it or just ignore it.

Has anyone else noticed that it is nearly impossible to do this on the internet?

Stay with me here for a minute. When you are in your car, and someone pulls one of those moves in traffic that everyone loves so much...Like the "speed up so you can't merge maneuver" (my personal favorite)...Carefully monitor your reaction.

My point is is that if you were walking down the street, and someone walks out in front of you and slows down, it is not likely that you will speed up, and as you walk by them flip them off and yell "ASSHOLE!" Put someone in a car however, where they have a feeling of isolation and protection, and they may say something that they would not say face to face.

Now, the Internet.

You can not go to any website that has an un-regulated section for leaving comments, that is not subject to rampant and repeated "flaming" of individuals whose sole crime was expressing an opinion.

Experiment time. I am going go find a website with comments, and return with an example of this. You have my word that I will be honest about how long this takes...brb.


Ok, well it turns out that that stuff is not as easy to cut and paste as I thought. also the amount of time I would need to spend on redacting garbage that I do not want on this site...whew, anyway. Just please remember it is ok to disagree with someone without dehumanizing them. Take care