Monday, September 29, 2008


So...I like many others, have been witching things unfold (read:unravel)today, and reading alot about how this person or that person should stop being so damn partisan..."This is not the time for partisan politics" seems to be the cry of partisan politicians everytime they support something that they think it is somehow inconcievable that not everyone would support. We seem to have picked up in the argument as well.
This is not going to be a real popular opinion, but i think it is exactly the time for partisan politics. I am very sorry if Wall St. is panicking, but if Congress does not get this right, things are going to get a lot worse than the Dow being down 800 points. The stock market is by nature volatile and reactionary as evidenced by the 700 point drop and subsequent recovery this morning before the House ever voted.

The last time the White House asked Congress to just close their eyes and sign something without reading and arguing it, they gave the President the right to spy on Americans as well as the right to suspend habeus corpus for an American citizen for the mere suspicion that they may have had coffee with someone whose uncle is an extremist. Parts of the Patriot Act are good and necessary, but that does not excuse the "rubber stamp" mentality that Congress has allowed themselves to be reduced to so often. Just as it is inexcusable for our government to simply turn over $7000,000,000,000 without having a bit of a fight about it. If they can get it together and do something in the next week or so, it is going to be hard for investors, but if they screw this up further, it is going to get a lot harder for me, my son, my parents, my sister...etc. So Wall St. can just get to the back of the line for once.

...and not for nothing, but when i see people in these forums hurling insults back and forth based on political stance, while we all demand that Congress be less partisan, it is kinda difficult to take seriously.