Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Important Notice: Census

I think I fixed the "I need to be a registered user to post a comment " problem.

If everyone reading this could post a quick comment...It does not even need to say anything. I kind of want to get a head count. Composing and posting here is taking more time than I thought.

BUT, it is totally worth it to me if people are listening. This has totally sparked my interest in writing again, but if no one is paying attention, i should just start a Word doc and ramble on that in private.

Remember, your input and suggestions are totally appreciated.

love and respect


Anonymous said...

Write on......McDuff. I read as often as possible.

Anonymous said...

oh, oh, now I can be nobody at the same time as beeing me.


Anonymous said...

Love the blogging, keep it up my friend, I anxiously await your next installment. Are you going to delete this?

Anonymous said...

I'm here, and I'm back in the big apple. It was wonderful seeing you again.


Anonymous said...

BLOOOOGGGGG! oh excuse me.