Monday, May 01, 2006

Como se Dice "OOPS"? (or Oh, Say Can You?...Ci!)

OK, I am not going to spend a huge amount of time on this, simply because I do not have a real well formed stance on this yet. But I would feel like I was not doing My job, if we did not at least touch on the incredibly overblown National Anthem in Espanol debate.

Now I would like to start by saying, I feel like this was neither appropriate nor particularly evil. I think you should probably not mess with anyone's national anthem, and being American I should add the obligatory "Especially not ours in the post 9/11 era." disclaimer...But in general no countries National Anthem. It is generally a source of tremendous inspiration for the more nationalistic among us, to say nothing of the fact that it keeps Lee Greenwood songs from being played at too many sporting events, which is a positive to be sure.

Now the other side of that, is that there really is only as much damage to our national psyche as we allow there to be. In other words, no particular evil was done by this, so I think we should demonstrate a thicker skin than Dane haters who light stuff on fire because they do not understand the purpose of the political cartoon as a medium for social commentary. Incidentally, as a side bar, if a cartoon makes the implication that your religion breeds violence, the best way to answer them is probably not to be violent.

So pardon me for fence sitting, but that's what I have. I think this was insensitive, but not particularly damaging. So lets turn the page on the "poor us" mentality when someone offends us When offended, a bully reacts violently. A truly strong person narrows their eyes, smirks knowingly at the offender and goes about their day.

....And now the big reveal. Why I think this was truly wrong:

It is not an emotional issue for me, as much as an intelligence issue.

Tactically speaking this was a tremendously foolish thing to do.

With most issues like the one at the heart of this matter (Immigration), in America there is the approximate 35/35/30 proportion involved.
35% of the people are liberal and sure of their position.
35% of the people are conservative and sure of their position.
The remaining 30% are not sure what to think and are often repelled to the other side by the "Grand Gesture".

How many people were affected, por exemple, by the Denmark-CartoonGate scandal. Pushed into the camp of the poor offended Muslim by the insensitive cartoons, only to be pushed back by the violent response.

I would not dare compare this to terrorism, as I said earlier "No harm, no foul". But using terrorism as an example by way of its intention, it is not violence for violence's sake. It is a calculated measure to get your enemy to react violently and inflict grievous wounds against your people. Thus gaining sympathy and support.

I think about the timing of the release of this song and the impending demonstrations planned for today May 1st, and I hope that it does not inspire the less enlightened among us to react poorly, like the bully when offended....

Strange, maybe it wasn't so bad tactically. I guess we won't know until May 2nd.

By the way, and not for nothin', but have you read the translation of the changed lyrics. If you just forget the circumstance and apply it to America as a whole, they become a lot less offensive.

And for those still overly offended by someone toying with the National Anthem, I will leave you with two words: Jimi Hendrix

Remember, Read.

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