Thursday, May 18, 2006

One Whole Month!

Well gentle reader, The Arch Groovus Report is now one month old! I know, I know, it hardly seems possible. What a crazy and wild ride it has been. When I think back to the early days of this publication I cant help but feel a certain nostalgia for the simpler times. Let's look back at where we were when the Arch-Groovus Report began....all those days ago:

  • Think about it, when we jumped on this crazy ride together gas was only $2.73 a gallon,
  • Our National Anthem was sung in English ( except when it was sung in Spanish, but not like now when it is apparently sung in Spanish to rip at the fiber of our national identity, back then it was far more harmless)
  • Dutch sloth bears and Barbary macaques lived in peace and harmony
  • The leader of Al Quaida in Iraq, had not yet been revealed as a "hypocrytical, bumbling, POSER, that walks around in New Balance sneakers and seemingly can't figure out the operating function of the most simple assault rifle in the entire world".
  • The Koreans did not have sexy-robot-love-women ( and I have to tell you, I am a little bit surprised at the lack of response to this story, I for one was incredulous)
  • ..and the decision had not yet been made to reveal the inner workings of a shadowy and nefarious organization (No USA Today, my story not yours)

Thank you for your support over these trying and taxing 4 weeks, if we stick together we will make it through.

The Arch-Groovus Report...if my pants were news, I'd write 'em.


Anonymous said...

What, Sexy robot Koren love women?! How did I miss that one, I'm gonna have to hit the archives.

The Arch-Groovus said...

Behold the power of Korean Love Robots, Tracy....behold it.